Biggest Internet Fear: Public Shaming

Personally, when getting all of my social media accounts, I was told again and again and again by my mom to watch the content I post on each medium. I was lectured on what content could be offensive to people and was forced to swear up and down that I would never get in the middle of any online drama.

One of my biggest fears is slipping up online, and somehow becoming publicly shamed. It is so easy for a dumb response, post with grammatical errors, or offensive post to go viral suddenly, leaving the person who posted to be publicly shamed. Some people go their whole online lifetimes entirely avoiding the issue, and some fall victim.

Then there are the people who do the shaming and shame on you! Public shaming to an extent, is a form of cyberbullying. The thing about the internet is when someone opens a post up to the world of public shaming, everyone in the world has access. The rude, eye-opening responses can be limitless and can really send a person into a bad mental state. The range of people who are publicly shamed is so broad that it is hard to find a way to stop it entirely. People are publicly shamed for truly offensive comments, insensitive jokes, harmless jokes, poor grammar, and often just stupidity. Since it can be hard to stop, I believe that platforms like Twitter should have the liberty and a plan to protect people being publicly shamed because of the damage that can be done to a person. There should be a way to block a post and cease the ability to respond to a post, or even potentially halt the users profile temporarily, for their own good.

I've made it this far without posting something online to be attacked. So, here are a few tips!

1.) EDIT AND PROOFREAD YOUR POSTS. Avoid dumb mistakes that could be misunderstood, or simply poor language and grammar that could get you made fun of.
2.) Be weary of your content and now your audience. On some platforms, knowing your audience is easier than others, but if you know you have a lot of followers or friends who love something, it may not be best to bash that something.
3.) Be aware of current events (between friends, locally, nationally, globally). Know what's happening around you. Don't be insensitive or ignorant.

With these three tips, especially the combination of them, you should be able to avoid saying something offensive
