Evolution of Facebook use

Facebook has become the world's one-stop shop. It provides a ways to get background information on people, message, call, video chat, share photos, and so much more.

The origin of Facebook shows that it was meant to be, essentially, a directory for schools. Since, it has transformed into many more things and people use it in many different ways. When I first got a Facebook, I was in eighth grade. I had somehow convinced my parents to let me get one early since I was about to be heading into high school. Originally, my Facebook use was mostly "friending" people I knew, posting photos, and liking way too many overly-descriptive pages. These habits were similar to those of my friends on Facebook at the time. Overtime, Facebook became an online space to document vacations and events, a place for people to react and "like" posts and photos shared, a place to promote work, and so much more. It also became the prime space to get to know new people...

Facebook has become a part of culture in a sense of getting to know someone. If we meet someone, the first thing we do is search them on Facebook to "see what they're about." I use Facebook for these reasons. Even my mom always asks me if I've looked people up on Facebook after I've met them to make sure there's nothing too weird about them. We get to know people on Facebook from their likes, their personal information, and their statuses. This is a reason why Facebook is also linked with most popular online dating websites. Since Facebook has all the information about yourself that you'd share online, dating apps link with Facebook to make your profile. How much easier could it get?
